

Adelaide Park Lands Upgrade

3 Feb 2013

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It may well be Adelaide’s biggest front yard, but even the smallest voices can give feedback on its proposed upgrade.

The first phase of community consultation has taken place on the proposed uses for the parklands opposite Bowden. The area, currently occupying 2.5 football ovals, will see a $4.9 million investment from Renewal SA transform it into a leafy and vibrant shared space for the community to enjoy.

The proposed additions include community vegetable and fruit gardens, BBQs and picnic areas, extended exercise trails, areas for young people to skateboard and play basketball and table tennis, upgraded soccer facilities and a landmark pedestrian bridge across Park Terrace. The staged upgrade will occur over a five-year period with Renewal SA working with the Adelaide City Council and City of Charles Sturt to make sure that the community has a say in this exciting transformation.

Look out for information on the next stage of engagement and the beginning of work on the project at at renewalsa.sa.gov.au/parklands

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