

Bowden development underway

3 Aug 2011

The Bowden development is now underway on the former Clipsal and Origin Energy sites on the north-western edge of Adelaide’s parklands with the first land release to builders and developers happening in late 2011.

The site offers a once-in-a-lifetime chance for Adelaide to set new standards in urban revitalisation and integrated transit planning for Australian cities.

On 23 April 2011, Premier Mike Rann and Infrastructure Minister Patrick Conlon announced that the project had been given final State Government approval with the Government to invest more than $264 million over the next decade to help deliver a high quality, sustainable community on the city fringe. A plan was also released for the entire 16-hectare development which will eventually be home for 3,500 people.

The first stage between Sixth and Seventh Streets in what will become a $1 billion-plus, 10-12 year project to provide Adelaide with its first inner-urban residential village will comprise more than 120 terraces, townhouses and apartments due to become available in 2012-2013.

The South Australian Government’s Land Management Corporation (LMC) purchased the 10.25ha former Clipsal Australia site in November 2008 from the Gerard Corporation and the 5.9ha Origin Energy Site (formerly the Brompton Gasworks) adjacent to the Clipsal site in March 2010 and the LMC is now managing the roll-out of the development.

A key attraction for residents will be the variety of accommodation available and local jobs, providing a real sense of differentiation and choice from the standard residential options both in the inner city and the newer outlying suburbs.

The government’s investment of $264 million will provide the core infrastructure of the village – the roads, parks, open spaces and other essential services. Private sector development will provide the buildings to accommodate residents, cafés, restaurants and office workers to build up the character of this unique village.

The quality of this development, though, will not be left to chance.
A Design Review Panel will review all design proposals by the developers and builders involved in delivering the various stages of the project, ensuring that all the design principles embedded in the project’s Urban Design Guidelines are respected.

Apart from its attractive community, urban design and housing choice, one of the main features of the Bowden development will be its use of cutting edge technology to achieve environmental sustainability – making it a Climate Smart Precinct.

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