

Bowden industry launch

14 Dec 2011

On November 3rd, the Bowden Development was officially launched at an industry function at the site. The launch was held in one of the old factories, which provided a unique venue. Attendees enjoyed entertainment by Cirkidz and other roaming acts and a live performance by Myles Mayo.

SA Premier, Hon Jay Weatherill MP introduced the project to developers, builders, architects and many who have been involved so far. He asked us to imagine ‘a new lease of life for one of Adelaide’s oldest suburbs.’ Very soon, this image will become reality. Bowden will be connected in every sense. It will be a walkable community with a focus on people. It will be a contemporary, modern place that integrates, respects and embraces the past.

It will capitalise on its existing assets and on the inspiration and potential of the existing community and promote people’s health, happiness and wellbeing. It will be a place where people want to be.

The launch marked the start of this transformation and late in 2012 the opportunity to purchase a new home in Bowden will become available.

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