

Clipsal site at Bowden to become a green village

24 Oct 2008

Premier Mike Rann and Infrastructure Minister Patrick Conlon today announced that the State Government will buy the 10 hectare ‘Clipsal Site’ at Bowden from the Gerard Corporation and transform it into an inner-city ‘green’ village.

It is anticipated that the site will be used to develop around 1500 medium and high-density ‘green star’ residential apartments, retail outlets and a mix of commercial offices around a town centre concept.

The site already incorporates a small street network with clearly marked out blocks of land.

It is perfect for building an almost self-contained sustainable village right on the doorstep of the parklands and right next to the new electrified rail and tram system.

Mr Rann says this is a significant purchase because it will enable the Government to have control of the use of the land – in line with the Government’s comprehensive new planning reforms.

“This new village will showcase exactly the type of urban development we want to see along our planned new electrified public transport corridors,” he said.

“Our new planning system aims to create vibrant, urban developments that are economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.

“As fuel costs continue to rise, the efficiency of these developments will reduce living costs and make South Australia an even more competitive place to do business.

“Given its close proximity to the city, this area can become a gateway to the CBD and the North Western suburbs that blends in with the adjacent parklands.”

The Bowden site was originally occupied by the Clipsal Corporation in 1936 but has today become surplus to the needs of the company. The site contains a number of heritage-listed buildings that will be incorporated into the overall final design of the village.

Minister Conlon says the Brompton/Bowden area was significant in terms of developing Adelaide into a modern, commuter-focused city.

“With the electrification of the railway in the near future, this is an opportunity to show how to establish a highly urbanised environment focused around a ‘TOD’ (transport-oriented development) at Bowden Station,” he said.

“The planning reforms, complemented by the $2 billion public transport revolution announced in the State Budget, will allow this area to be transformed into a world-class, high density development.

“The opportunity also exists to investigate a number of new sustainability initiatives in how we provide water and energy, heating and cooling.

“We want to ensure world’s best practice, particularly with respect to sustainability, community building and design excellence.”

The Land Management Corporation will borrow an amount from the SA Government Financing Authority to fund the acquisition and initial site preparation works. The Gerard Corporation is expected to vacate the site in late 2009.

The project is expected to take 12 to 15 years to complete depending on market demand, with the first sites available for development in early 2011.

It is anticipated that LMC, in conjunction with other agencies and Charles Sturt Council, will develop a master plan for the area, including urban design guidelines, prior to offering individual sites to private sector developers.

As the Clipsal site is currently zoned for industrial use, the area will have to be extensively rezoned as part of a Ministerial Development Plan Amendment process before any redevelopment can begin.

The ministerial rezoning process involves scope for comprehensive public consultation and input from the various government agencies, local government and community groups.

The sale price will be revealed after settlement has been finalised late next month.

This Media Release was issued by Premier of South Australia Mike Rann on 24 October 2008.

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