

Higher density living sets the standard for cities of the future

15 Dec 2014

Finding ways for more people to live in existing residential areas — particularly in or close to the city — can improve quality of life, according to a recent episode of the ABC’s science program Catalyst.

The program looks at cities including Sydney and Melbourne, but many of the lessons apply equally to Adelaide.

ABC Catalyst reporter Anja Taylor explores some innovative ideas to improve cities, including ways to increase standards of living while accommodating more people.

The experts Catalyst interviews recommend encouraging more people to live along existing public transport routes by building higher density housing including apartments.

Professor Rob Adams, Director of City Design, Melbourne, said: “The secret is you’ve gotta build on the existing infrastructure. So, if you’ve got tram lines, put your population around the tram lines.”

In much the same way, Renewal SA’s flagship urban development at Bowden is well connected by public transport as well as being close to the city, and notable for its success in introducing higher density living outside the CBD.

Watch the Catalyst Future Cities episode or read the transcript provided on ABC’s website.

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