

New phase for community foodies with Uniting Care Wesley Bowden

2 Apr 2014

The future of the Community Foodies Program is secure with the State Government contracting Uniting Care Wesley Bowden (UCWB) to manage the program for the next three years.

Health Minister, Jack Snelling said UCWB’s extensive experience in volunteer management and working with vulnerable and disadvantaged adults made them the ideal match for Community Foodies.

“Community Foodies is a valuable nutrition program which has helped thousands of South Australians to make healthier food choices,” Mr Snelling said.

“The program supports people from across the community to make smart decisions about nutrition by training and supporting volunteers (Foodies) to share their knowledge and skills.

“One of the strengths of the Community Foodies program is that it goes beyond simply teaching people how to cook healthy recipes, by linking vulnerable people in with other social services available within the community.”

Mr Snelling said UCWB’s proven expertise in providing social and health programs made them the clear choice to partner with the Foodies program.

“Tapping into UCWB’s existing networks and relationships will also enable the program to reach a wider range of people across the community, in both country and metropolitan South Australia,” he said.

“This is an example of the State Government strengthening partnerships with NGOs to improve health and wellbeing for the most disadvantaged in our community.”

The value of the contract is $900,000 over the next three years.

UCWB Manager of Family and Youth Services, Chris Arbon said they were delighted to be awarded funding to deliver the SA Community Foodies Program.

“Our commitment is to provide services in an innovative, sustainable and dignified way,” Mr Arbon said.

“Through evidence-based and practically proven service delivery models, we are proud to say that we produce long-term, positive outcomes for our clients.

“The SA Community Foodies Program will enable us to extend that to a broader audience and really make a difference where it is most needed.”

UCWB will assume responsibility for the SA Community Foodies Program from the beginning of May and will contact volunteers, partners and clients directly from this time.

UCWB will deliver the program in partnership with UnitingCare Wesley Country SA in the mid-north, northern and western areas of South Australia and ac.care in the southern, Mallee and Riverland and Hills and Fleurieu regions.

This partnership approach will ensure that the program will continue to be implemented across country and metropolitan South Australia.

SA Health will work closely with UCWB throughout April to ensure a smooth transition of the program.

UCWB was selected to manage the Community Foodies Program following an open tender process.

For more information about the Community Foodies Program, visit www.communityfoodies.com.au.

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