

Renewal SA Works Program: UCWB Support Worker Pre-employment VI

25 Apr 2016

Are you seeking to return to work or entering the workforce for the first time? Or perhaps you’re interested in a job in the community sector?

If you’ve answered yes, you may be interested in this opportunity.

Renewal SA’s Works Program is delivering the sixth UnitingCare Wesley Bowden (UCWB) Support Worker Pre-employment Program at Bowden in partnership with Western Futures, UCWB and TAFE SA.

About the program

Proudly supporting training and employment initiatives for locals people, this program offers real employment opportunities for people interested in working within the community sector.

The program will:

  • deliver industry specific training designed in partnership with TAFE SA
  • provide accredited Senior First Aid Training, Food Safety and Manual Handling
  • provide language, literacy and numeracy support for eligible participants.

This program is also being conducted in partnership with UnitingCare Australia, with the aim of providing job opportunities for women, particularly return-to-work mothers, in the community care sector.

This Program will commence on Monday, 16 May 2016 and run full-time for three weeks.


This program is specifically targeting people who are:

  • aged 18 years and over
  • living within Bowden and the surrounding western suburbs
  • flexible, adaptable, resilient and good communicators.

No prior experience working in the community sector is necessary, only an interest in providing care and support for older people and people with a disability to assist them to live quality lives.

Community Support Workers need to:

  • be physically fit, computer literate,
  • have a current driver’s licence,
  • clear a Department of Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI) Police Screen.


Fully funded for participants that meet selection criteria.

Information session


Tuesday, 03 May at 10 am

This is a three-hour information session and selection workshop.


Woodville West Torrens Football Club
Oval Avenue, Woodville South

To book your place or for more information, contact:

Heather Franchini
08 8245 7123
[email protected]


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