

“The homes of the future are smarter than ever… and they are already here” by NBN Co

14 Apr 2015

Bowden is building a community that is connected in every way — whether by transportation links, shared spaces, or even architectural blending of newly constructed 5 Star Green Star sustainable homes with the suburb’s industrial past.

Our residents have also been reaping the rewards of being connected to the National Broadband Network (NBN).

The NBN provides fast, reliable and affordable phone and internet services, which enables high-quality content to be downloaded instantly and consistently — a particular advantage considering the recent roll-out and rising popularity of video-on-demand streaming services in Australia.

NBN Co recently published an article on their blog regarding “how a well-connected householder got smarter about the bills” featuring David Heath, one of Bowden’s first new householders.

Read the original article to learn about David’s experience and how his apartment is all set up to be a home of the future.

(Image attribution to: ‘NBN Co Limited, smart-home-02-600.jpg, Sourced on 14 April 2015, http://www.nbnco.com.au/blog/the-homes-of-the-future-are-smarter-than-ever-and-they-are-already-here.html’)

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